Tuesday, November 30, 2010


What Are The Most Popular Work At Home Jobs?

Working at home is something a lot of stay at home moms want or need to do. It's great being able to have a career while being right at home for your family. These days they have a lot of choices for what to do from home too. It's not all direct sales and daycare anymore. You can work a number of real jobs from the comfort of your own home.

 1. Virtual Assistant

Working as a virtual assistant is very popular right now. It's rather like being an assistant in an office. You may be asked to do all kinds of work to help other people run their online business. Your duties may include bookkeeping, data entry, customer service, website upkeep, appointment setting and more.

You don't need a lot of equipment to work as a virtual assistant. Your computer, telephone, printer and maybe a fax machine will be your main needs, and you probably have most of those. It may pay to have a computer and phone line dedicated to your virtual assistant work, however.

2. Writing and Blogging
There's a call for all kinds of writing online. Businesses need copywriters for product descriptions and sales pages. Blogs need content. People come to the internet for all kinds of information, products and entertainment, and all that has to be created somehow.
You usually get your best results by specializing. If you have a lot of experience or knowledge in a particular area, that's the best place to focus your efforts. You'll gain a reputation more quickly if you work at writing great content on parenting, for example, than if you work on whatever comes your way.
Writing also offers offline opportunities. Newspapers may have a lot of trouble keeping up their subscriber counts, but while they exist they need content. Magazines often use freelance writers too. Magazines sometimes pay quite well, but getting an article accepted is difficult.

3. Transcription
There are a few types of transcription jobs available to be done from home. Medical transcription is one of the big ones, but it requires specific training, as does legal transcription.
You may have better luck getting into general transcription, although you're probably still better off taking a general transcription course first.
Transcription has become a much easier job to do from home, once you have the skills and find a job. You used to have to pick the dictation up, but now you can get it all online, and deliver your reports the same way. It's much simpler than it once was.

4. Customer Service
Plenty of stay at home moms work as customer service agents over the telephone. It's not the easiest of jobs, as you need a quiet place to work with no background noise at all, and the hours aren't always plentiful, but you can do pretty well at it.
The great part is that you get to set your own hours. You do need to set a schedule and stick to it, however. They're pretty easy to change if you need to in most cases. You can usually work evenings or whenever your preference is, such as when the kids are at school.
CREDIT TO:http://www.articlesnatch.com/Article/What-Are-The-Most-Popular-Work-At-Home-Jobs-/1812024

Be Popular at Work: 4 Steps
For years we've heard that it's more important to be respected than liked. Yet study after study is proving conventional wisdom wrong -- finding instead that the road to success is more often a series of popularity contests.
Research at Columbia University shows that jobs, pay raises and promotions are more apt to be awarded based on a worker's charisma than on his or her academic background or professional qualifications. Outplacement firm Challenger, Gray and Christmas found that during corporate downsizings, hiring and firing decisions boil down to how well people are liked by their supervisors.
"It's not enough just to do a good job; you have to be likeable in the eyes of your employer," says company president James Challenger. The good news is likability is a skill that can be learned.
After two years and a quarter million pages of research, Tim Sanders, leadership coach at Yahoo! and author of "The Likeability Factor," has unlocked the secrets to having a magnetic personality. "When people encounter you, they subconsciously ask themselves four questions that determine your likability or 'L-Factor'," Sanders explains. "First, they seek friendliness. Then, they ask themselves if you are relevant to them. Next, they ponder whether you have empathy for them. Finally, they ask themselves if you are 'real' -- that is, authentic and honest.
If the answers to those four questions are affirmative, you receive a high Likeability Factor." To up your "L-factor," Sanders offers a four-step process:
Step One: Increase Your Friendliness
Your friendliness is a function of your ability to communicate openness and welcome to others. Make an effort to greet people cheerfully, smile often and adopt a friendly mindset that you communicate through positive body language and words.
Step Two: Raise Your Relevance
Your relevance has to do with your connection to others' interests, wants and needs. The more relevant you are, the more people like you. Relevance has three levels:

.Contact. The odds are, likability will increase with "functional distance," such as sitting next to someone at a party or living nearby.

.Mutual Interests. Having common interests or experiences makes people feel validated and generates a sense of community and personal respect.
.Value. Relevance is strongest when the value you offer meets another person's wants and needs. This produces positive attitudes in the person's mind and contributes to your allure. To become more relevant, find ways to connect with the interests and needs of others. Know what they're passionate about outside of work. Be aware of their emotional needs and willing to respond to them. 
  • Step Three: Show Empathy
Your empathy reflects your capacity to see things from another person's point of view and to experience his or her feelings yourself. When you connect with someone's feelings, and they believe you're "with them," it delivers a psychological hug. Ask yourself, do I: 
  • Know how that person is feeling about his or her life situation these days?
  • Understand what it must feel like to perform the person's tasks day after day -- be it caring for an elderly relative at home or managing a heavy workload?
    •  Share the same emotions about key issues? By making yourself more emotionally available, your connection with people -- and your likability -- will grow dramatically

      • Step Four: Keep It Real

  • Realness is consistency between your beliefs and actions. To be true to yourself and others, you need to

               Do what you want to be doing in life.

    What Are Popular Jobs for Graduates with an English Major?
  • Jobs for English majors can seem hard to come by, but a degree in English is one of the most marketable skills you can have. In this article, we'll explore popular jobs for graduates with an English major. You'll see how your English degree can be a powerful part of your résumé, leading you to careers in writing and publishing, teaching or business communications.
    If you're like many people, you might expect the answer to 'what are popular jobs for graduates with an English major?' to be a punchline, rather than an article. Despite the stereotype, however, graduates with an English degree have many career choices open to them. In fact, CNN at www.cnn.com reports that it's this overwhelming breadth of options, not a lack of jobs, that makes an English major seem unemployable. So read on to learn about your major's many possibilities!


    Many English majors choose to teach, since the degree is so good at providing basic skills in the English language. With proper certification, teaching jobs for graduates with a degree in English abound. Elementary and secondary education are the primary outlets. Depending on your level of education, you might also consider finding a job teaching at a community college.

    Writing, Journalism, and Publishing

    The 'traditional' job for English majors, according to CNN, is in careers that involve writing. Even if you don't want to become the next JK Rowling, you might consider a job at a newspaper, a magazine or some other journalistic enterprise. You might be looking to work in publishing, another large employer of English majors. The University of Ohio at www.uohio.edu recommends that students with publishing ambition have a working knowledge of publishing software.

    Business Communications

    Most English majors, of course, don't go on to become famous writers or university professors. Fortunately, according to Heidelberg University at www.heidelberg.edu, the English major teaches so many basic skills that getting jobs with a degree in English is just a matter of turning to the business world. Many businesses specifically seek out English majors for the very fact that they're equipped to communicate in the business environment. For instance, the University of Wisconsin, at www.wisc.edu, says that business executives spend around 80% of their time engaging in written or oral communications, a perfect match for the English major.
    • Court Interpreters work to translate information from another language into English for the court systems. They work with lawyers, witnesses and defendants to relay information for depositions, hearings and other court cases. Court Interpreters must be fluent in more than one language in addition to having adequate knowledge of legal terminology.

    • How Do I Become an English Teacher? - Video

      English teachers enjoy rewarding careers in education. These teaching professionals can play an important role in building language, analytical and creative abilities in students. At the same time, these educators can inspire young people by cultivating their appreciation for the literary arts. Learn more about becoming an English teacher. 
      CREDITS TO:http://degreedirectory.org/articles/What_are_Popular_Jobs_for_Graduates_with_an_English_Major.html

  • Top Ten Most Popular Careers for 2010

    As societies evolve, the economic and employment markets change continuously. Changing population ages, wowan re-entering employment and medical advances have a dramatic effect on certain job sectors, the most obvious of these being healthcare, housing and pensions.
    Technological development has opened up a whole new field of jobs, while affecting the nature of almost every area of our society, and particularly the workplace.
    On a more local level, certain careers can suddenly become popular for specific reasons. TV shows on interior design or veterinary hospitals can lead to a sudden interest in those areas, while media coverage about skills shortages can prompt an interest in other areas.
    Here are the top ten most popular careers for 2010 in the US, Canada and the UK. The numbers of people entering employment in these areas is predicted to rise faster than in other career areas over the next five years.
    If you are looking for the best paying careers (click here).


    US Top Ten Most Popular Careers for 2010

    • Network Systems Analysts: The development of IT has led to an increase in organizations seeking installation and maintenance of networked communications. Systems analysts solve problems related to networked computer technology.
    • Physician's Assistant: Physician assistants are trained to provide diagnostic, therapeutic and preventative healthcare services, as overseen by a physician. Primary healthcare settings include family medicine and pediatrics.
    • Medical Assistants: The growing healthcare sector means more administrative and clinical tasks need to be performed. Other medical assistants can help with clinical tasks. Typically, work takes place in the offices of physicians, chiropractors, podiatrists, ophthalmologists and other health practitioners.
    • Medical Records and Health Information Technicians: Case and healthcare records are increasingly used for organizational management and ongoing evaluation of healthcare progress. Records might include patient medical history, symptoms, treatments, tests, outcomes, etc. Medical tests and information management are major growth areas.
    • Software Engineers: As IT continues to evolve, so does the work of computer software engineers, who design and develop new computer software systems. The engineer analyses users' needs and designs software or programs to meet these needs.
    • Physical Therapist Aides: The number of individuals with disabilities or limited physical function is growing, so the number of assistants who provide services to alleviate the difficulties is set to increase.
    • Fitness Trainers: Aerobics instructors and fitness trainers lead groups and individuals in a range of exercise activities. More people are spending time and money on their leisure activities, meaning employment opportunities for fitness instructors will grow.
    • Database Administrators: Many organizations now depend on the instant availability of data. Database administrators work with the relevant software to retrieve and present data. They need to understand every aspect of an organization's database system, from its performance to security and the platform it runs on.
    • Veterinary Technicians: Expectations for leading edge veterinary care are rising as healthcare in general progresses. Veterinary technicians perform tests, and treat and diagnose medical conditions in animals. Work can take place in domestic pet surgeries, livestock management, wildlife medicine, or pharmaceutical sales or biomedical research.
    • Dental Hygienists: As our healthcare involves an increasing emphasis on oral health and retention of natural teeth, work opportunities for dental hygienists are set to grow. Hygienists examine patients' gums and teeth, remove deposits, administer x-rays, and more.
    • Credits to:http://www.alec.co.uk/free-career-assessment/top-10-most-popular-careers.htm

    No matter what you major in, you'll have a variety of job options available to you after graduation. Biology majors, for example, can be lab technicians or veterinarians. How can you best decide which career path to choose? Besides paying attention to what you enjoy the most, you could also factor in how much you"ll likely be paid in your chosen profession. Let our list of the most popular jobs by major inspire you as you enter the job market.
    » Most Popular Jobs for Psychology Majors
    Credits to:http://www.payscale.com/best-colleges/popular-majors.asp

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